terça-feira, 27 de setembro de 2011


450 hours - IMMERSION SYSTEM - Three 15-day-periods

Come and be a Yang Family Tai Chi Instructor!

In three 15-day-periods in Jardim do Dharma - Embu das Artes, São Paulo, Brazil.

Who can participate? Physical Educators, Martial Artists, Physiotherapists, Psychologists, Nurses, Therapists in general, Physicians of all Specialties, including every one who has interest in deepen yourself in the art of Tai Chi Chuan.

Tai Chi Chuan: Is a Chinese martial art, a wholesome system of physical and mental health as well as self development system for developing the concentration, emotional balance, strengthen of physical abilities and knowledge for good human relationships. Today there is a focus and systematic scientific study in universities certifying its undeniable benefits for health with scientific methodology. Been an instructor in this area opens a wide professional acting field for various areas in knowledge.

Traditionally the members of Yang Family Tai Chi opened up its knowledge to spread the art of Tai Chi Chuan. Grand Master Yang Zhenduo (4th generation of transmission) traveled unceasingly all over the world, to open up the doors to westerners to have access to Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan. The difference in the technique and the philosophical aspect of the Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan is perceived by all serious and interested practitioners who will have the safety to be in the right way practicing an authentic art for his physical, emotional and mental development.

Yang Chengfu Center São Paulo, Brazil, begin in October of 1999 when Prof. Maria Angela went to Seattle to participate in the first meeting of the Yang Chengfu Centers Directors to receive from Master Yang Jun the official certificate to function as a representative of Yang Family in Brazil, accepting also the charge of South America director.

APRIL 16th to 30th
JULY 2nd to 16th
OCTOBER 1st to 15th

History and Philosophy:
- Introduction to Chinese Philosophy
- History of Tai Chi Chuan, History of Yang Family and Tai Chi Chuan Styles.
- Study of the 10 principles of Master Yang Chengfu with commentaries of his son Master Yang Zhenduo
- Introduction to the study of Chinese language based on the terms used in Tai Chi Chuan
Tai Chi and Health:
- Psychosomatic benefits originated from the practice of Tai Chi Chuan
- Fundamental Notions of Traditional Medicine
- Fundamental Notions of anatomy and physiology based on the practice of Tai Chi Chuan
- Chi Kung
- Zhan Zhuang
- Techniques of the Yang Style Tai Chi 108 form
- Comprehension of Yang Family principles
- Introduction to Push Hands (Tue Shou)

Teachers: Technical and Philosophical supervision:
Prof. Roque E. Severino e Maria Ângela Soci, directors of Yang Chengfu Center São Paulo.
Instructors graduated by Yang Chengfu Center São Paulo

Information and enrollment:

Yang Chengfu Center São Paulo, Brazil. Rua José Maria Lisboa, 612 sala 01/07 – Tel/fax 3884.8943 e 4704.6578
Email: sbtcc@dialdata.com.br or secretaria01@sbtcc.org.br

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