segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011

the dao Associação Tai Chi Pai Lin / Espaço Luz

Associação Tai Chi Pai Lin / Espaço Luz

Rua Fradique Coutinho, 1434 Vila Madalena
05416-001 São Paulo SP Brasil
Tel 11/ 3031-1324 Tel fax 11/ 3034-4344

Author: Guan Ming
Http://Big5.Zhengjian.Org/articles/2009/1/16/57288.Html Zuòzhě: Guàn míng [Zhèngjiàn wǎng 2009 nián 01 yuè 16 rì] zài wǒ zǒu shàng xiūliàn de dàolù zhīqián, zuì nán lǐjiě de yījù gǔwén jiùshì `dào kě dào, fēicháng dào.'Zhè shì lǎozi “dàodé jīng” zhōng kāipiān de yījù huà, zhè jù Huà de hányì fēicháng shēn'ào, yīncǐ zài xuéshù jiè yěyǒu hǎojǐ zhǒng jiěshì. Wǒ yě céngjīng pō yǒu xìngqù de duì gèzhǒng jiěshì zuòguò yī fān kǎozhèng, wǒ zìjǐ dāngshí bǐjiào rèntóng de yīzhǒng jiěshì shì:`Dào'(dào jiùshì yǔzhòu jiān yīqiè shìwù fāzhǎn biànhuà de nèizài de gēnběn guīlǜ) shì kěyǐ rènshi de, shì Kěyǐ gǎnwù de, dàn bìng bùshì xiàng yībān chángrén suǒ rènshi dì nàyàng.

【正見網20090116日】在我走上修煉的道路之前,最難理解的一句古文就是「道可道,非常道。」這是老子《道德經》中開篇的一句話,這句 話的涵義非常深奧,因此在學術界也有好幾種解釋。我也曾經頗有興趣的對各種解釋做過一番考證,我自己當時比較認同的一種解釋是:「道」(道就是宇宙間一切 事物發展變化的內在的根本規律)是可以認識的,是可以感悟的,但並不是像一般常人所認識的那樣。

[Zhengjian Wang January 16, 2009 Before I embarked on the path of practice, the hardest to understand a classical "Tao Dao is said." Lao Zi Dao De Jing "in the opening chapter of a word, phrase if the meaning is very profound, in academia, there are several interpretation. I also have some interest in the interpretation of the variety of made a career of research, I was more agreeable to an explanation: "Tao" (Tao is the cosmic development of all things change, the inherent fundamental law) can recognize perception, but not like ordinary people know it.

Lǎozi suǒ jiǎng de dào shì lùnshù yǔzhòu jiān wànshì wànwù fāzhǎn biànhuà de nèizài de gēnběn guīlǜ, tā wúfǎ yòngrén de yǔyán jiěshì qīngchu, dànshì tā quèshí zhēnshí cúnzàizhe, gǔdài de xiūdào ren dōu néng yòng chúnjìng de xīn gǎnwù dào tā de cúnzài. Zhōngguó chuántǒng wénhuà gēnběn shàng shì yīzhǒng wùxìng wénhuà, rénlèi shèhuì zuìchū de jìnéng, dōu bùshì cóng shū běn zhōngxué dào de, ér shì zài rénshēng de xiūxíng zhōng qièshēn tǐwù chūlái de. Yīncǐ, xiàndài rén rúguǒ zhǐshì zài shū běn zhōng qù yánjiū, qù tànsuǒ, jiù yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ rènshi zhēnzhèng de `dào'.

老子所講的道是論述宇宙間萬事萬物發展變化的內在的根本規律,它無法用人的語言解釋清楚,但是它確實真實存在著,古代的修道人都能用純淨的心感悟 到它的存在。中國傳統文化根本上是一種悟性文化,人類社會最初的技能,都不是從書本中學到的,而是在人生的修行中切身體悟出來的。因此,現代人如果只是在 書本中去研究、去探索,就永遠無法認識真正的「道」。
Said that I said is the fundamental law inherent in all things change in the discourse universe, it can not employing language interpreter, but it is real, the ancient cultivator can be used pure heart came to realize that it exists. Chinese traditional culture is a perception of culture, the initial skills of human society, not from reading books, but vital in the practice of life realized that out. Therefore, if the modern only in the books to study, to explore, will never be able to recognize the real "Road".

Zhídào yǒu yītiān, wǒ xǐ de yǔzhòu dàfǎ shí cái huǎngrándàwù, dào, yuánlái jiùshì yǔzhòu de tèxìng. Zhè zhǒng zhìgāowúshàng de dào, suīrán zhǐ yòng sān gè zì jiù kěyǐ bǎ tā gàikuò chūlái, dànshì yībān de chángrén què wúfǎ lǐjiě tā, wúfǎ xiāngxìn tā, yě wúfǎ yòng yǎnjīng kàn dào tā de cúnzài. Zhǐyǒu xīndì shànliáng de rén cáinéng jièzhù shèngzhě de diǎn huà qù dòngchá zhège tiān jī, zhēnzhèng de qīnshēn shí xiū cáinéng gǎnwù dào tā de cúnzài, ránhòu zhúbù de qù tónghuà tā cáinéng dé dào yuánmǎn.

直到有一天,我喜得宇宙大法時才恍然大悟,道,原來就是宇宙的特性。這種至高無上的道,雖然只用三個字就可以把他概括出來,但是一般的常人卻無法 理解他、無法相信他,也無法用眼睛看到他的存在。只有心地善良的人才能借助聖者的點化去洞察這個天機,真正的親身實修才能感悟到他的存在,然後逐步的去同 化他才能得道圓滿。

Understood why, until one day, the universe Dafa for joy when, but it was the nature of the universe. This supremacy of the road, though only three words can he summed up, but the general ordinary people could not understand him, can not believe him and could not with the eyes to see his presence. The only kind people can be with the saints attunement insight into this secret personal real repair to came to realize his presence, and then gradually to assimilate in order to attain the satisfactory

`Dàoshēng yī, yīshēng èr, èr shēng sān, sān shēng wànwù', dào shì wànwù zhī yuán. Yīgèrén zhǐyǒu rènshile dào, cáinéng zǒu shàng fǎnběn guīzhēn zhī lù. Ér yīgèrén néng fǒu wùdào, dé dào jiù yǔ tā de gēnjī, wùxìng hé jīyuán mìqiè xiāngguānle. Yīncǐ, wùxìng duìyú yīgè kěwàng zǒuxiàng chénggōng de rén lái jiǎng shì zhì guān zhòngyào de. Yīgè méiyǒu wùxìng de rén, jiù huì xiàng qiángtóu cǎo yīyàng suí fēng bǎidòng, tā méiyǒu zìjǐ zhǔ jiàn, yòu rú wúgēn zhī mù, jì bù huì kāihuā, yě bùnéng jiéguǒ.

「道生一,一生二,二生三,三生萬物」,道是萬物之源。一個人只有認識了道,才能走上返本歸真之路。而一個人能否悟道、得道就與他的根基、悟性和 機緣密切相關了。因此,悟性對於一個渴望走向成功的人來講是至關重要的。一個沒有悟性的人,就會像牆頭草一樣隨風擺動,他沒有自己主見,又如無根之木,既 不會開花,也不能結果。

"Tao gave birth to one, one two, two three, three things," Tao is the source of all things. Only one person recognized Road, in order to embark on Fanbenguizhen the road. Can a person enlightenment, enlightenment is closely related with his foundation, understanding and opportunity. Therefore, understanding is essential for people in terms of a desire to succeed. An understanding of people, will be the same as the fence the wind swing, he did not own minds, and if the root trees will not bloom, nor the results.

Jìngguān wǒ shēnbiān de tóng xiūmen, nánnǚ lǎo yòu dōu yǒu, wénhuà chéngdù yě gè bù xiāngtóng, dànshì tāmen dōu yǒuyī kē chúnzhēn de xīn. Yóu cǐ kějiàn, yīgèrén de wùxìng, yǔ niánlíng wúguān, yě yǔ xuélì wúguān. Xuélì gāo de rén, wùxìng bù yīdìng gāo, niánlíng xiǎo de rén, yě bù yīdìng wùxìng jiù dī. Wùxìng shì yīzhǒng xīnjìng, tā yǔ rén de xīnxìng gāodī yǒuguān, yīgèrén de nèixīn yuè chúnjìng, tā de wùxìng jiù huì yuè gāo. Yīncǐ zhēnzhèng de juéwù bùshì yuè xué yuè fùzá, ér shì yuè xué yuè jiǎndān, bùshì yuè lái yuè yuánhuá, ér shì yuè lái yuè chúnjié.

靜觀我身邊的同修們,男女老幼都有,文化程度也各不相同,但是他們都有一顆純真的心。由此可見,一個人的悟性,與年齡無關,也與學歷無關。學歷高 的人,悟性不一定高,年齡小的人,也不一定悟性就低。悟性是一種心境,它與人的心性高低有關,一個人的內心越純淨,他的悟性就會越高。因此真正的覺悟不是 越學越複雜,而是越學越簡單,不是越來越圓滑,而是越來越純潔。

Fellow practitioners wait and see around me, men, women and children have the education level also varies, but they have a pure heart. Thus, a person's perception, regardless of age, also has nothing to do with the degree. Highly educated people, the perception is not necessarily high, the younger people, not necessarily understanding is low. Perception is a state of mind, it is the mental level of a person's heart more pure, his perception will be higher. Real consciousness is not more study, more complex, but more study, the more simple, is not smooth, but more and more pure.

Shēng zài mòfǎ luànshì, zhēn zhēn jiǎ jiǎ zhòng zài `wù'. Zài rén shìjiān, yǎnjīng néng kàn dào de shìwù dōu shì wài zài de biǎoxiàng, qièshēn gǎnwù dào de zhēnlǐ cái shì běnzhí. Dāng yīgèrén de xīnjìng zhēnzhèng dádào chúnjìng, shànliáng de shíhou, shén jiù huì bǎ tā de zhìhuì dǎkāi, tā cáinéng gǎnwù dào zhēnzhèng de dào. Jiānshǒu nèixīn shēn chǔ de chúnjié, cáinéng tígāo zìjǐ de wùxìng, bù wéi biǎoxiàng suǒ huò, cáinéng biàn zhēn jiǎ, shi zhèngxié, wèi zìjǐ xuǎnzé yīgè měihǎo de wèilái.

生在末法亂世,真真假假重在「悟」。在人世間,眼睛能看到的事物都是外在的表象,切身感悟到的真理才是本質。當一個人的心境真正達到純淨、善良的 時候,神就會把他的智慧打開,他才能感悟到真正的道。堅守內心深處的純潔,才能提高自己的悟性,不為表象所惑,才能辨真假、識正邪,為自己選擇一個美好的 未來。

Born in the Dharma Ending troubled times, focusing on half-truths "Enlightenment". In this world, the eye can see things that are external appearance, the immediate came to realize that truth is the essence. When a person's state of mind is truly to achieve pure, virtuous, God will open his wisdom, he came to realize the true Tao. Stick to the pure of heart, in order to improve their understanding, not confused by the appearance, in order to distinguish between true and false, know good and evil, to choose for themselves a better future.